Terms of Service

Welcome to Foodrazor. Foodrazor offers an e-procurement software for F&B industry.

What we refer to collectively as the “Foodrazor Products” incorporates:

  • the automated processes Foodrazor provides for extracting data from Items;
  • all services Foodrazor provides to its Partners;
  • any other services that Foodrazor chooses to offer in the future;
  • the Foodrazor website; and
  • the Foodrazor Technology.

Foodrazor Products are provided on and in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined below (the “Terms and Conditions”) by OrderEZ Pte Ltd, a company registered in Singapore (Business Registration number 201908100C) (“Foodrazor”, “we” or “us”).

These Terms and Conditions are drafted with reference to Singapore law and Foodrazor believes that Singapore law provides a robust but business-friendly legal framework for both itself, its Users and its Partners.

Foodrazor provides certain of the Foodrazor Products in two main ways:

  • to our Partners (as defined below), including accountancy firms and bookkeepers, who in turn make the Foodrazor Products available to their Partner Users (as defined below). Where an obligation or term of these Terms and Conditions applies to both Users and Partners, we refer to them collectively as “you”; and
  • to users who sign up with Foodrazor directly without an associated Partner relationship (“Users”).


When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We (or service providers on our behalf) may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. You may opt out of receiving this advertising by contacting us at success@foodrazor.com

What is your Relationship with Foodrazor?

These Terms and Conditions apply to any use of the Foodrazor Products and are binding on you from the time that we provide you with access to the Foodrazor Products. These Terms and Conditions are the legal agreement between you and Foodrazor and govern your use of the Foodrazor Products.

By registering to use the Foodrazor Products you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and have the authority to act on behalf of any person for whom you are using the Foodrazor Products. If you do act on behalf of any other person when using the Foodrazor Products, you are deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions on their behalf.

These Terms and Conditions will continue in effect until either you or Foodrazor terminates them in the manner described below.



Account means the User or Partner (as applicable) account registered in your name or the business on whose behalf you sign up and to which we provide the Foodrazor Products.

"Confidential Information"

Confidential Information means any information of a confidential nature (regardless of whether or not such information is recorded in any physical, electronic or other media) concerning either you or us, (whether or not marked confidential).

"Intellectual Property Rights"

Intellectual Property Rights means any patent, trade mark, service mark, database right, copyright, moral right, right in a design, know-how and any other intellectual or industrial property rights, anywhere in the world whether or not registered.

"Data" and "Items"

Data means any and all data or information that is uploaded to the Foodrazor Products or otherwise provided to Foodrazor, including receipts, bills, invoices or other purchase cost related documents (together “Items”), together with any data or information extracted from such Items.


Fees means the fees that you are required to pay to access the Foodrazor Products in accordance with the Plan you are on from time to time. Foodrazor may vary the Fees from time to time, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


Partner means accountancy firms, bookkeepers and other professional and business services providers who have signed up to a Partner Plan that allows them to make the Foodrazor Products available to their clients. References to a Partner in the context of a particular Partner User means the particular Partner who runs the Partner Account to which that Partner User’s Account is linked. For the avoidance of doubt, no partnership shall be created by these Terms and Conditions between a Partner and Foodrazor, and it is not the intention of the parties that these Terms and Conditions shall do so.

"Partner Plan"

Partner Plan means a Plan which allows Partners to make available access to the Foodrazor Products to Partner Users, subject to the limitations and usage thresholds contained therein.


Plans means the payment plans for the Foodrazor Products which outline:

  • the particular Foodrazor Products to be provided to you;
  • the access limitations and restrictions that apply to the Foodrazor Products for which you have subscribed including, in respect of Partners, the numbers of permitted Partners Users; and
  • the Fees payable and the frequency with which they must be paid.

As applicable, references to your “Plan” will mean the Plan to which you initially sign-up and any other Plan that you are migrated to, based on your usage of the Foodrazor Products, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

"Foodrazor Technology"

Foodrazor Technology means the proprietary technology and software (in both object code and source code form) that enable Foodrazor to provide the Foodrazor Products, the Tools and any other services that Foodrazor may from time to time make available, together with the Intellectual Property Rights in and to inventions, designs, information, know-how, specifications, formulae, data, processes, methods, techniques and other technology related thereto.

"Supported File Types"

Supported File Types means .PDF, .jpeg, .tiff, .doc, .docx, or any other file types that may be supported by the Foodrazor Products in the future.


Tools means collectively, the Foodrazor website, any Foodrazor mobile and tablet applications, Foodrazor’s email submission technology and any add-ons or software integrations that Foodrazor may support or make available from time to time.

The Foodrazor Products

Foodrazor grants you the right to use the Foodrazor Products via the Tools (the “Licence”). The type and extent of the rights and access you will get pursuant to the Licence will depend on the particular terms of the Plan that you are subscribed to.

The Licence is a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, limited right to use the Foodrazor Products only to the extent necessary to get the benefit of the Plan to which you are subscribed, for business purposes only.

Restrictions on your use of the Foodrazor Products

Foodrazor reserves all rights in and to the Foodrazor Products that are not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights from Foodrazor to Users, Partners or Partner Users. Title to any and all Intellectual Property Rights in or to the Foodrazor Products and any documentation that relates to it or the Foodrazor Products shall remain the property of Foodrazor or the third party from whom it licenses such Intellectual Property Rights.

You agree that you shall not:

  • save as may be permitted under applicable law, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works of, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any Foodrazor Products or any other Intellectual Property Rights in or to the Foodrazor Products for any reason whatsoever;
  • save as may be permitted under applicable law, reverse assemble, decompile, reverse engineer or in any way derive or attempt to derive from the Foodrazor Products any source code or the structure, sequence or organisation of such code;
  • use the Foodrazor Products in any way that infringes another person’s Intellectual Property Rights;
  • use the Foodrazor Products to upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit worms, viruses, or any other computer file, code, or program designed to disrupt, interrupt, limit, or disable any of the functionality of the Foodrazor Products, or any hardware, or telecommunications equipment;
  • access (or try to access) and use any of the Foodrazor Products through any interfaces not provided by Foodrazor or by any automated means, including, but not limited to, scripts, robots, or web crawlers;
  • use the Foodrazor Products to upload, post, transmit, store, or otherwise make available content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs that could interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment of Foodrazor, its Users or Partners, service providers or is affiliates.
  • use the Foodrazor Products to upload post, transmit, store, or otherwise make available content that is pornographic or otherwise explicit in nature (Foodrazor reserves the right to remove any and all such content at its sole discretion);
  • use the Foodrazor Products in any fashion which violates, or might reasonably be judged by Foodrazor to violate, any local or foreign law or regulation; or
  • (without limiting the rights of Partners to make available the Foodrazor Products to their Partner Users under the terms of their Partner Plan) sublicense, assign or otherwise transfer the Foodrazor Products, these Terms and Conditions or the rights under it, whether by operation of law or otherwise, otherwise than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

We will not be responsible, or liable, to any third party for the content or accuracy of any Data you upload to the Foodrazor Products.

For business use only

The Foodrazor Products are designed for use by businesses, not consumers. You warrant and represent that you are acquiring the right to access and use the Foodrazor Products for the purposes of a business and are not dealing with Foodrazor as a consumer.


Foodrazor is committed to protecting the Data you give us. Foodrazor may use Data, including data extracted from Items, for the provision or improvement of Foodrazor Products. ​​

To the extent that any Data comprises personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 2012) (“User Personal Data”), Foodrazor agrees that it will only Process such User Personal Data in the fashion described in the Privacy Policy.


Partner Users acknowledge that any Data that they submit may be accessed, edited, extracted, modified, shared by the relevant Partner. This is necessary to allow Partners to provide the advisory, accounting, or bookkeeping services that they provide to Partner Users.

What is Foodrazor's policy towards data privacy and personal information?

Foodrazor’s policies and procedures relating to personal information are described in its Privacy Policy, which can be found on foodrazor.com

The Privacy Policy explains how Foodrazor handles and stores personal information and protects your privacy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

The Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms and Conditions and you agree to the use of your personal information and Data in accordance with Privacy Policy.

Third-Party applications

If you have integrated any Foodrazor Products with any third-party applications (e.g., your banking services), you acknowledge that Foodrazor can allow the providers of those third-party applications to access your Data. Allowing third parties access to your Data in this fashion is necessary to allow third-party applications to integrate with the Foodrazor Products.

You acknowledge that Foodrazor shall not be responsible for any corruption, unauthorised disclosure, modification, loss or deletion of your Data that results from any such access by third-party application providers.

To enable the integration of third-party applications with the Foodrazor Products, we may have to use certain pieces of software provided by the applicable third-party service provider. In some circumstances, Foodrazor will be required to pay a fee to use such software integrations. If you choose to integrate any Foodrazor Products with any third-party applications, we may require you to pay any charges for which Foodrazor may become liable to enable the required integration, these charges will be in addition to the Fees.

What happens to Data when your Account is closed?

After cancellation or termination of these Terms and Conditions your access to your Account and the Foodrazor Products will also terminate. This means you may no longer have access to any Data stored in your Account.

Following termination, unless you instruct us to delete them, Foodrazor will aim to retain one (1) copy of each Item that you have submitted for a period of ten (10) years following the relevant submission date. We take this step to assist you in complying with your record-keeping obligations to local tax authorities.

Notwithstanding the above, we provide no guarantees that your submitted Items or any extracted Data will be retained by Foodrazor following cancellation or termination of these Terms and Conditions, nor that you will comply with any of your obligations to local tax authorities. For this reason, we suggest you maintain your own copies of any Items submitted and any Data extracted to the fullest extent necessary to allow you to comply with all applicable record-keeping obligations.

Back up your Data

Although we take reasonable steps to ensure that your Data is kept secure (see the Security and Back Up section below), Foodrazor shall not be liable for any deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store any Data or other content used in or maintained by the Foodrazor Products. Accordingly, you should create back up copies of all Data that you provide to the Foodrazor Products.

Partners and Partner Users

Subject to any restrictions in their Partner Plan, Partners are able to use the Foodrazor Products to make available certain user-focused Foodrazor Products directly to Partner Users.

If you are a Partner, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • you are responsible for determining who is a Partner User and what access levels and permissions that Partner User has to use the Foodrazor Products;
  • you are responsible for all Partner Users’ use of the Foodrazor Products; and
  • before being able to access the Foodrazor Products, each Partner User will be required to sign up to these Terms and Conditions as a User, if a Partner User fails or declines to sign up to these Terms and Conditions, it shall not be permitted to use the Foodrazor Products.

The services (other than Foodrazor Products made available pursuant to these Terms and Conditions) Partners provide to Partner Users are not vetted, endorsed or approved by Foodrazor. Partner Users acknowledge and agree that Foodrazor is not responsible for the quality of such services they receive from Partners. Partners Users are solely responsible for vetting and reviewing the services Partners provide to them.

Provision of the Foodrazor Products

Subject to these Terms and Conditions, in particular your payment of the Fees, Foodrazor shall provide the Foodrazor Products to you in accordance with the terms of your current Plan. In order to make sure that you have the best experience using the Foodrazor Products, Foodrazor may sub-contract or assign the provision of any and all of the Foodrazor Products.

Changes to the Foodrazor Products

Foodrazor may amend these Terms and Conditions (including changing the nature or scope of the Foodrazor Products) at any time. When we do change these Terms and Conditions, any additional or different terms shall be effective upon being posted on this page of Foodrazor’s website located at or any successor website we notify to you. Your continued use and receipt of the Foodrazor Products following the posting of variations to these Terms and Conditions constitutes your irrevocable acceptance of those additional or different terms.

If Foodrazor deems it necessary to discontinue the Foodrazor Products it provides due to the highly unlikely event of our closure, you will receive at least 7 days’ notice before your Account is closed.

Fees and Plans


Users and Partners shall pay the Fees to Foodrazor on a monthly basis.

The Fees vary depending on the Plan to which you are currently subscribed, which may vary from time to time in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. More information under "Subscriptions".

Unless otherwise expressly stated or agreed between you and Foodrazor in writing, all prices are exclusive of value added tax.

Fees Variation

In addition to the Plan migration described above, you agree that Foodrazor may change the Fees for each particular Plan. In the event that the Fees for Plans are to be changed, Foodrazor will give you advance notice of any such changes – we will do this by sending an email to the address registered on your Account.


The Foodrazor Products allow Users to submit Items to Foodrazor in a variety of fashions via the Tools.

Except in respect of Partners and their Partner Users, you may not send in Items for another User. If Foodrazor determines that you have sent in Items for another User, they will not be scanned or uploaded, and may not be returned unless the original User gives Foodrazor permission to do so.

Usage of an Account by more than one person without consent of the original User may result in termination of that Account without any refund of the Fees paid.

If you continue to submit Items to Foodrazor after terminating your Plan, they will not be scanned or uploaded into your Account, and may not, in the case of physical submission, be returned to you.

You acknowledge that Foodrazor makes no guarantee whatsoever regarding scanning time or processing time. Foodrazor accepts no liability for loss, damage, or inconvenience resulting from delays in shipping or processing, or loss of or damage to Items during shipping or processing.

You acknowledge that Foodrazor cannot guarantee the accurate extraction of Data from submitted Items which is not in these formats.

Where you submit any Item to Foodrazor using any electronic submission Tools, that Item must be in a Supported File Type. You acknowledge that Foodrazor cannot process any Items which are not submitted in a Supported File Type.

If you send in illegible Items they may not be processed correctly into your Account. You recognise that all Items may not be entered correctly into your Account, and that Foodrazor does not guarantee proper tagging or data entry on submitted Items.

Foodrazor does not guarantee the accuracy of automatically processed information.

If you submit Items with notes or other information on the back, those back pages may not be scanned or uploaded into your Account.

Security and Back Up


As long as you keep your password safe, Foodrazor protects your Data so it can only be viewed and accessed by you and those who have been authorised to access it (including if applicable, Partners and Partner Users). Foodrazor uses 256-bit secure socket layer encryption.

You agree to be responsible for keeping your passwords associated with your Account secret and secure. Foodrazor may be able to help you retrieve lost passwords, but cannot guarantee to do so, and will not be held responsible or liable if it cannot locate or reset a lost password.

For your security, do not submit any Items to Foodrazor that have full credit card information printed on them. If any such Items are received, Foodrazor reserves the right, but shall not have the obligation, to not scan and upload such Items to your Account. It is your responsibility to ensure that you review the content and form of any Items you upload to the Foodrazor Products or otherwise provide to Foodrazor.

Back Up

To ensure that your Data remains accessible and secure throughout your use of the Foodrazor Products in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, FoodRazor periodically creates backup copies of your Data in accordance with standard industry practices.

Content in the Services

Foodrazor does not and cannot control what information is submitted to it via the Tools. We do not expect our Partners or Users to upload any objectionable, offensive or indecent content via the Tools. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for any information that is submitted to the Foodrazor and are responsible for any consequences of such actions.

You also understand that when using the Foodrazor Products, you may come across material that you find objectionable, offensive or indecent and that you are using the Foodrazor Products at your own risk.


(a) Foodrazor account holders may access the Products in two ways:

  • (i) Free Trial: which gives unlimited access to all features on Foodrazor, inclusive of up to 30 invoice pages that can be processed.

  • (ii) Paid Subscription: a subscription fee-based program, which gives access to all content. You will only have access to the Subscription Program while your subscription is active and subsisting. You can become a subscriber to the Subscription Program by purchasing a subscription to the Products from the Website, or through our partners. If you purchase through one or more of our partners, the purchase may be further subject to the Terms and Conditions of such partners, and payment and management of the bundle subscription may be administered by them.

(b) Foodrazor offers monthly subscription options. For the purposes of our monthly subscriptions, a month constitutes 30 calendar days.

(c) Our “Monthly” subscription is paid in monthly installments. For each month that your monthly subscription is active, you acknowledge and agree that Foodrazor is authorized to charge the same credit card as was used for the initial subscription fee or other payment methods as set forth in section (f). The monthly renewal subscription fees will continue to be billed to the Payment Method you provided, automatically until cancelled. You must cancel your subscription before it renews each month in order to avoid billing of the next month’s subscription fee to the Payment Method you provided. Refunds cannot be claimed for any partial-month subscription period.

(d) Subscription

  • (i) Foodrazor may offer certain special discount pricing options (the “Special Discount Pricing Options”). The Special Discount Pricing Options will permit users with access to the same content included in the Paid Subscription; such Special Discount Pricing Options shall only be available to qualified users (the “Qualified Users”). Foodrazor reserves the right to determine if you are a Qualifying User in our sole discretion and reserves the right to amend the “Special Discount Pricing Options” anytime.

  • (ii) Foodrazor offers a top-up pricing option of additional invoice pages. (the “Top-up” Option”). The Top-up Option will permit users to have an additional number of invoice pages added to their subscription, depending on the package purchased. The package does not have an expiration date. The package can be shared across multiple locations under the same organization. Foodrazor reserves the right to reject any sharing of the package across locations if conditions do not comply with our sole discretion.

  • (iii) When you consent and enter the credit card information in our system to begin your subscription, it will be assumed that you have been fully informed of Foodrazor pricing plans as stated publicly on Foodrazor’s main website page.

  • (iv) Do note that once an invoice has been uploaded, the user has 15 minutes to remove the invoice from our system before being charged. Invoices will be charged for the following status mentioned in Part (v).

  • (v) Invoices will be charged for the following status:
  • Not Valid
  • Blur Invoice
  • Duplicate Invoice
  • Similar Invoice
  • Missing Pages
  • Info Missing (Invoices with missing key information, including Supplier Name, Invoice Date, Product Name, Unit Price)

(e) You agree to promptly notify Foodrazor of any changes to the Payment Method you provided while any subscriptions remain outstanding. You are responsible for all applicable fees and charges incurred, including applicable taxes, and all subscriptions purchased by you.

(f) In the course of your use of the Products, Foodrazor, and its third-party payment service provider may receive and implement updated credit card information from your credit card issuer in order to prevent your subscription from being interrupted by an outdated or invalid card. This disbursement of the updated credit card information is provided to Foodrazor and Foodrazor’s third-party payment service provider at the sole election of your credit card issuer. Your credit card issuer may give you the right to opt-out of the update service. Should you desire to do so, please contact your credit card issuer.

(g) Our obligation to provide the Products only comes into being when we take receipt of your Order, and we confirm your purchase to you by email. We shall confirm your Order and send you an email to confirm your access to the subscription purchased. All prices in US Dollars include local taxes unless otherwise stated. You agree not to hold us responsible for banking charges incurred due to payments on your account. If payment is not received by us from the Payment Method you provided, you agree to pay all amounts due upon demand by us. You agree that you are not permitted to resell any Products purchased through Foodrazor for commercial purposes.


You indemnify Foodrazor from and against all claims, costs, damage and loss arising from your breach of these Terms and Conditions. This indemnity covers any costs relating to the recovery of any Fees that you have failed to pay in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


You shall be deemed to have terminated these Terms and Conditions if:

  • you cancel your subscription to the Foodrazor Products; or
  • you fail to pay any Fees due and payable for a renewal of the Foodrazor Products.

These Terms and Conditions will continue for the period covered by the Fees paid for your Plan (a “Billing Period”). At the end of each Billing Period these Terms and Conditions will automatically renew for another period (if you pay the relevant Fees when due and payable) unless either party terminates these Terms and Conditions before the end of the relevant Billing Period.

No refund will be given of any Fees you have already paid in advance in respect of a Billing Period upon termination of these Terms and Conditions prior to the expiry of that Billing Period. If these Terms and Conditions are terminated for any reason and any Fees that were payable prior to such termination are unpaid, you will be liable to pay all outstanding Fees to Foodrazor.

Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, Foodrazor may, on notice to you, terminate these Terms and Conditions with immediate effect if you:

  • commit a material breach of these Terms and Conditions and, in the case of any breach which can be remedied, fail to remedy that breach within fourteen days of a notice from us requiring such remedy; or

You or your business become insolvent or your business goes into liquidation or has a receiver or manager appointed of any of its assets or if you become bankrupt, or make any arrangement with your creditors, or become subject to any similar insolvency event in any jurisdiction.

Failure by you to pay any Fees due to us by the date on which such payment is due shall constitute a material breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, Foodrazor may terminate these Terms and Conditions and close your Account at the end of any Billing Period.

Warranty disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge that the Foodrazor Products are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Foodrazor makes no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the Foodrazor Products, including, without limitation, any warranty that Foodrazor Products will:

  • be timely, uninterrupted or error-free or operate in combination with any other hardware, software, system or data;
  • meet your requirements or expectations;
  • be free from errors or that defects will be corrected; or
  • be free of viruses or other harmful components.
  • To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Foodrazor expressly disclaims all implied warranties or conditions including, without limitation, warranties and conditions of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and non-infringement.

You acknowledge and agree that, Foodrazor shall not be liable for any losses or claims whatsoever relating to:

  • any permanent or temporary restrictions or cessations of the Service;
  • any deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store any Data or other content used in or maintained by the Foodrazor Products;
  • your failure to provide correct, accurate, and up-to-date account information; or
  • your failure to keep your password and account information secure.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits or excludes Foodrazor’s liability for:

  • death or personal injury caused by its negligence;
  • fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
  • any other act, omission, or liability which may not be limited or excluded by applicable law.

Subject to the above, Foodrazor’s total liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be limited, in respect of all claims (connected or unconnected) to the lower of:

  • total Fees paid or payable by you in the previous twelve month period

You acknowledge that we are not your advisor nor your accountant. The Foodrazor Products do not constitute financial advice. You remain wholly responsible for your compliance with all filings and reporting requirements in relation to taxation and all other similar requirements or duties imposed on you under applicable law.

We assume no responsibility for the content of websites linked on our site. Such links should not be interpreted as endorsement by us of those linked websites. We will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.


In the event that any dispute arises between the parties, you and Foodrazor each agree to enter into good faith discussions to resolve that dispute within a period of 14 days from one party’s notification to the other that such dispute has arisen (the “Dispute Resolution Period”). In the event that no resolution to the dispute can be mutually agreed by the parties (each acting reasonably) during the Dispute Resolution Period, both you and Foodrazor will have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate these Terms and Conditions with immediate effect on written notice to the other, provided always that such notice must be served within a further 7-day period starting on the day immediately following the final day of the Dispute Resolution Period.

Nothing in this section shall prejudice either party’s other rights to terminate outlined elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions – including the right to terminate these Terms and Conditions to prevent their automatic renewal on expiry of a Billing Period. In addition, nothing in this section will at any time while a dispute is being discussed by you and Foodrazor restrict either party’s freedom to obtain emergency injunctive relief, commence legal proceedings to preserve any legal right or remedy or to protect confidentiality or any intellectual property or trade secret right or to prevent or limit breaches of law governing its business



Each party undertakes to the other that it shall not at any time disclose to any person any Confidential Information except as is permitted by these Terms and Conditions, including the remainder of this Confidentiality section.

Each party may disclose the other’s Confidential Information:

  • to its employees, officers, representatives, service providers, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of carrying out the party’s obligations under these Terms and Conditions, provided always that such recipients shall be made aware of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information they receive and shall agree to reasonable confidentiality undertakings to protect such Confidential Information;
  • as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority; or
  • as described in the Privacy Policy.

Neither party shall use the other party’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

Force Majeure

Foodrazor shall not have any liability for any failure or delay resulting from any governmental action, fire, flood, insurrection, earthquake, power failure, riot, act of terrorism, war, explosion, embargo, strike, labour or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slowdown or any other event or condition beyond its control.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and all matters arising from them (including, without limitation, any dispute relating to the existence, validity or termination of these Terms and Conditions or any contractual or non-contractual obligation) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with Singapore law. In relation to any legal action or proceedings to enforce these Terms and Conditions or arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions (including, without limitation, any dispute relating to the existence, validity or termination of these Terms and Conditions or any contractual or non-contractual obligation) (“Proceedings”) each of the Parties irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore and waives any objection to Proceedings in such courts on the grounds of venue or on the grounds that the Proceedings have been brought in an inappropriate forum provided that a judgment or order of any court may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions, together with any webpages, documents or policies incorporated by reference hereinto, constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and Foodrazor relating to the matters contemplated by these Terms and Conditions and supersedes all previous agreements (if any and whether in writing or not) between you and us in relation to such matters. The parties acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions, they are not entering into these Terms and Conditions on the basis of, and are not relying on and have not relied on, any statement, representation, warranty or other provision (in any case whether oral, written, expressed or implied) made, given, or agreed to by any person (whether a party to these Terms and Conditions or not) in relation to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions, provided that nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude any party from liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.


You shall not assign any rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions without Foodrazor’s prior written consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) and any unauthorised assignment shall be null and void.


Notices to Foodrazor must be sent to contact@foodrazor.com or to any other email address notified to you by us. We will send notices to you to the then current email address on your Account.


Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, a waiver of any right or remedy under these Terms and Conditions or by law is only effective if given in writing and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. A failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms and Conditions or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict any further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy provided under these Terms and Conditions or by law shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.


If any provision or part-provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be held to be invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions.

Independant Contractors

The parties agree that they are each independent contractors and nothing in these Terms and Conditions will be deemed to establish a joint venture, partnership, agency or employment relationship between the parties. Neither party shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of the other party or to bind the other party to any other contract, agreement or undertaking with any third party.

Third-Party rights

Other than Partners, in respect of Partner Users, a person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions has no right to benefit under or to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions.

Trademark notice

“Foodrazor” and the Foodrazor logo are trademarks of OrderEZ Pte Ltd.

Contact us

To contact us, please email: success@foodrazor.com

Thank you for using Foodrazor.